5 Things a Professional Organizer Would Throw Out

If a professional home organizer, like myself, showed up at your house right now, there’s a handful of things they’d immediately throw out without a second thought. Interested in what those things are? Keep reading!

  1. Flimsy Utensils

    You know what I am talking about. The cheap utensils you bought when you first moved into your first apartment out of college. The spatula you bought from a bargain store. The cheap spoons are bent from scooping hard ice cream out from the carton.

  2. Writing Utensils

    If the pens in the junk drawer or desk no longer work, why are you keeping them? Let them go! They are taking up valuable space. You only need a few in the drawer. In time, you will be adding to your collection anyway. While you are decluttering, clean out your kid’s markers and crayons. Keep the best and let go of the rest.

  3. Phone Books

    Do you still have a phone book in your house? Believe me, some people still do. I have seen them in older clients’ homes. If your parents are 75 or older, they may still have their phone books from the early 2000s. Now, you can find people using Yellowbook online. Yup, it is a real thing.

  4. Anything Expired

    We all have things in our homes that have surpassed their expiration date. This includes spices, food, medicine, and even make-up. If you check the label on your makeup, you will find a small picture of a container with a number. This is how long the product is considered safe. Over time, unhealthy bacteria will start to grow on your products. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to rub bacteria on my clean face.

  5. Things for a Yard Sale

    How many of us have said we will keep certain things and will have a yard sale? It will sit there for months or years, and the yard sale does not happen. We have good intentions, but most of us lack the time or motivation. I do not know about you, but I do not want to wake up before dawn to set up stuff and make only a few dollars. I have had clients who finally had their yard sales and shared it was not worth the effort. Clean the space and donate your items right away. You will be blessing someone.

    It can be daunting when you start the huge task of decluttering your home. However, there are some things that can be tossed (or recycled) on sight. If you need additional assistance with decluttering your home, be sure to check out my other blog posts. Happy cleaning!


Organizing for the holidays